Why are therepeutic shock waves fashionable?
USE OF SHOCK WAVES Shock waves are used in the field of rehabilitation and physiotherapy to re-aggravate the injury when the injury is chronic. An injury is considered chronic from the 6th week.Although it is from 6 months when the exacerbation techniques are...
Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNIE) is a holistic science that analyses all the systems of the human body. This means that the entire human body is interrelated and that, for example, a person with emotional stress may develop muscle pain as a consequence (these...
The role of the physiotherapist in vertigo and dizzines
Vertigo is a false sensation of movement of the person with respect to surrounding objects (commonly rotationally). The symptoms are: Dizziness, spinning sensation, and anxiety. Instability and risk of falls. Nausea and vomiting If the cause of vertigo is...
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