The Physium System device is a modern and revolutionary device that is based on CHINESE VENTOSTHERAPY techniques.
VENTOSTHERAPY dates back to the 3rd century. It is based on negative pressure and suction, it promotes the free circulation of blood, relieving various diseases.
VENTOSTHERAPY, as used in the past, is an archaic and counterproductive treatment because it leaves marks that suggest excessive suction and sustained over time, which has broken blood vessels.

With PHYSIUM SYSTEM the control is absolute, both the level of negative pressure (between 5-250mBar) and the speed of ascent and descent. So we can have either a gentle effect for lymphatic drainage, or an intense effect to eliminate contractures and adhesions.
PHYSIUM SYSTEM reaches where the hands cannot reach or only reached causing a lot of pain and/or for a long period of time.
In addition, the results are from the first session with mobility gain from the first day and the patient’s pain decreasing with each session.
- Head and neck: headaches, tension migraines, dizziness, TMJ (jaw joint), whiplash, chronic and acute neck pain, cervicobrachial pain, post-surgical adhesions, osteoarthritis…
- Back and pelvis: back pain, lumbago, sciatica, pubalgia, post-c section recovery, post-surgical adhesions after laparoscopy, osteoarthritis…
- Shoulders: retractile capsulitis or frozen shoulder, dislocations, clavicular sprains, rotator cuff tendinitis, osteoarthritis…
- Elbows: epitrochleitis, epicondylitis, tendinitis (of the biceps and triceps), osteoarthritis…
- Wrist and hands: carpal tunnel syndrome, compartment syndrome, de Quervain’s tenosynovitis (tendinitis of the thumb extensor muscle)…
- Hips: trochanteritis, capsular impingement, hip osteoarthritis, bursitis, iliotibial band alterations…
- Legs: lymphatic drainage, muscle contractures, old fibrillar ruptures, post-surgical injuries…
- Knees: patellar and femorotibial osteoarthritis, surgical recovery in prosthetics, surgical recovery in ligament and meniscus surgeries, knee sprains…
- Ankles: tendinitis, sprains, post-surgical recovery…
- Foot: plantar fasciitis, feet alterations, hallux valgus, stiff foot and toes…
- Scars: all kinds of scars, superficial and deep, surgical and traumatic, involving blood vessels and viscera or simply muscle tissue. It generally generates elastification of the scar tissue, breaks adhesions and improves mobility and aesthetics, as well as lymphatic and blood circulation.
- Postoperative oedema (more than 3 months of evolution).
- Lymphatic drainage
The tissue is released from any tension, working without feeling attacked at any time.
Both the deep and superficial layers are worked on.
- Breast prosthesis encapsulation
Eliminates tissue adhesions.
- Anti-cellulite treatment
The body volume is reduced in each treatment since the catabolism of the fat cell is increased.
It allows to remodel and reaffirm the tissue.
- Recovery after liposuction
Helps eliminate inflammation of the tissues.
Indicated for:
- Muscular preparation prior to the competition.
- Acceleration of recovery from post-competition muscle stress (accelerates the elimination of lactic acid).
- Injury prevention.

Examples of success with Physium treatment in the Moto GP rider Dani Pedrosa:
The athlete was treated with this device to rehabilitate a post-surgical scar resulting from a complicated operation and which resulted in chronic pain. Thanks to this system, Dani Pedrosa found a solution to resume his career and managed to return to practicing one of the most physically demanding sports without problems.