Respiratory physiotherapy
Long Sesion (50-60 min)
40 €*
Short Sesion (25-30 min)
20 €
Indicated for:
- Acute respiratory diseases (bronchitis, nasal congestion, allergies, rhinitis).
- Chronic respiratory diseases (COPD, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, cystic fibrosis).
- Some types of Respiratory Sleep Apnoeas.
Before starting a treatment we will do a clinic checkup:
- Examination of the respiratory pattern.
- Anamnesis (medical diagnosis, symptoms, pathological history…)..
After, we will obtain a treatment plan of physiotherapy.
Periodically, the plan will be reviewed and modified if it’s necessary.

The therapy consists of
- Indications of nasal hygiene.
- Ultrasonic nebulization. Our nebulizers emit a water vapour that can reach the smallest bronchioles, in this way the mucus can be evacuated more easily.
- Techniques for the correct breathing pattern (buteyko technique, exercises to increase lung volume, toning the respiratory muscles).
- Bronchial drainage techniques (guided flow modulation, vibratory expiratory positive pressure techniques).
- Respiratory gymnastics appropriate to the pathology.
- Myofascial therapy of the respiratory muscles.
- Indications of physical activity protocols (intensity and type).

* The 10th session is free. Expires after 6 months.
Are you interested?
Our hours are from Monday to Friday (not holidays) from 09:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.