Long Session (50-60 min)
40 €*
Short Sesion (25-30 min)
20 €
Indicated for:
- Stroke / Stroke.
- Cranial-encephalic trauma.
- Multiple sclerosis.
- Parkinson.
- Facial paralysis.
- Congenital neurological diseases.
- Etc.

Before starting a treatment we will do a clinic checkup:
- Examination of the patient: State of muscle tone (hypertonic or hypotonic), Articular limitations, Postural control, Alterations in sensitivity, Alterations in perception, Fine craftsmanship, Gait disturbances, Pain, Ability to carry out activities of daily life
- Anamnesis (medical diagnosis, symptoms, pathological history…).
After, we will obtain a treatment plan of physiotherapy.
Periodically, the plan will be reviewed and modified if it’s necessary.
Neurorehabilitation consists of:
- Inhibition of spastic muscles.
- Joint mobilizations.
- Trunk control.
- Cognitive Therapy.
- Transfer Training.
- Personalized exercises.
- Re-education of gait (balance exercises…)
We use different techniques: Bobath Concept, Affolter Model, Basal Stimulation, Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise (Perfetti), Neurodynamic Techniques, Grimaldi Technique, Manual Therapy…
* The 10th session is free. Expires after 6 months.
Are you interested?
Our hours are from Monday to Friday (not holidays) from 09:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.